Meet the Team: Meagan Butler, MEd, PLC

Do you ever wonder about the team behind the scenes at Lucero? Would it surprise you to know we have a unicorn on staff? She’s Meagan Butler, MEd, LPC, our clinical research lead. Meagan is both a native Austinite (known as a unicorn) and her Lucero avatar is a unicorn, too! We have to agree… Meagan is pretty magical. Get to know her!

• What is your professional background?

I was in educational leadership for 17 years serving as a middle school teacher, school counselor, and central office administrator for all the secondary counselors at Austin Independent School District (ISD). I was the 2015 Austin ISD School Counselor of the Year and helped build a mindfulness trail that year. Now I am a child and adolescent therapist. 

• What is your role at Lucero?

I helped with some of the ideas at the beginning of the app development. Now I am the clinical research lead and one of the therapists who creates content for the app.

• What led you to become a child and adolescent therapist? 

As a teacher, my students always opened up to me and asked me for help, so I went to school to get mental health training so that I could meet more intensive needs. I love working with teens and families because we can do early intervention and prevention. 

• What’s one area of expertise or a passion that you are excited to share with others?

I love neuroscience applied techniques and am trained in the Neurosequential Model in Education by Dr. Bruce Perry. Learning about how the brain functions has changed my life!

• Do you have an avatar in the Lucero app? If so, describe it and how it reflects your personality.

Yes- I am a unicorn! I love their playful and mystical nature!

• What about your personal life and interests? What makes you unique?

I am from a family of educators. My mom taught us math for fun at the dinner table, and my dad always encouraged me to help others. I am an advocate for LGBTQ+ youth and you may see me at pride events. I am an artist and writer. I love traveling. I love nature adventures. 

• What’s one thing that people are surprised to learn about you?

I was born and raised in Austin- people tell us that we are unicorns! 

• What’s one of your favorite mindfulness practices?

I love 5 senses mindfulness! Everytime I walk to and from my car I try to have a mindful moment and check in with my environment. I just slow down and notice the sensory input. I have been doing this for the past 12 years and it has changed my brain!

• If you could take a cross-country road trip with any three people, who would you choose and why?

My spouse, J, and my best friends, Erin and Dre. We have all traveled the world together before, and I know we would have a fun time! 

• If you could share one important message with every tween and teen, what would it be?

You are loved.