Join Vivian and Mateo on the Quest as they ask big questions and take on life’s challenges.

lucero episode 1

Vivian is having one of those days. After getting stressed out and having a fight with her mom, Vivian meets Lucero, who helps her let go of her stress with mindfulness.


‘Keep breathing Vivian… let the stress pass through you like the passing clouds.’ - Lucero


lucero episode 2

Mateo is the new kid, and some kids at school are bullying him. When he’s feeling alone, Lucero helps him find inner strength and belonging by showing him just how connected he truly is.


‘You are connected to everything.’ - Lucero


lucero episode 3

Vivian and Mateo (with a little help from Lucero) realize that they’re not who others expect them to be, and they’re not so different, after all.


‘all i’ve ever wanted was to live in one place, go to the same school and have the same friends.’ - Mateo