Meet the Team: Martha, Youth Advisor

You can find Martha, one of Lucero’s dynamic Youth Advisors, creating content for Lucero over on Instagram. She also reviews content created by our team of licensed therapists to make sure everything in the Lucero app is teen-tested and approved. Martha is compassionate, creative and authentic. We’re so lucky to have her on our team! Here’s a little bit more about Martha in her own words:

1. What grade are you in?

11th grade

2. What’s one passion or interest that you are excited to share with others?

One passion that I am excited to share with others is my love for video making. I used to edit videos when I was younger, but I haven't gotten to rekindle it till now.

3. Do you have an avatar in the Lucero app? If so, how does it reflect your personality?

My avatar in the Lucero app is a brown sloth. Since I deal with depression, I felt this avatar reflected my personality as I sometimes struggle to find motivation. 

4. What is one of your goals for the future?

After I graduate high school, I want to major in nursing and attend a master’s program. I eventually want to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner who can support others in their mental health journeys.

5. What’s one thing that people are surprised to learn about you?

People are usually surprised when I tell them my family is from Cameroon. My entire family speaks fluent French, except me!

6. What’s one of your favorite self-care practices?

My favorite self-care practice is taking mental health days from school. Junior year has been quite the hectic year, and I’ve realized the importance of taking a day off to ground yourself and catch up when you need it.

7. If you could plan an adventure with any three people, who would you choose, where would you go, and why?

I would go with my friends Maddie, Kimberly and Hannah to the south of France, because of the beautiful architecture and nature in the area.

8. If you could share one important message with every tween and teen, what would it be?

If I could share one important message with every tween and teen, I would tell them to avoid people-pleasing. You come first, and it is important to know that other people’s happiness is not your responsibility!