Meet the Team: Journi, Youth Advisor

Meet Youth Advisor, Journi. 

Journi combines her passions for creativity and mental health awareness by crafting content for Lucero on Instagram. She also helps our team of licensed therapists ensure that all the activities in the Lucero app are teen-tested and approved. We love her creative spark and infectious enthusiasm! We’re lucky to have Journi on our team and wanted to share a little about what makes her so special:

1. What grade are you in?


2. What’s one passion or interest that you are excited to share with others?

My love of art is one passion I am eager to share with others! While I am definitely at a beginner level, I enjoy drawing and painting and try to incorporate it into the things I do.

3. Do you have an avatar in the Lucero app? If so, how does it reflect your personality?

My Lucero avatar is a flamingo. I chose it because it represents being silly, friendly, and sassy. I am always joking around and I love making new friends, so I thought the flamingo would best represent who I am!

4. What is one of your goals for the future?

One of my goals is to work as a therapist or psychologist, helping people with their mental health and making a difference.

5. What’s one thing that people are surprised to learn about you?

One thing people are surprised to learn about me is that I am very talkative. I am usually very quiet when I first meet people, but once they get to know me, I will talk their ear off!

6. What’s one of your favorite self-care practices?

Journaling is my favorite self-care practice. I love having a safe place to write down my feelings, and it's a great coping mechanism to just let everything out.

7. If you could plan an adventure with any three people, who would you choose, where would you go, and why?

It would be my mother, father, and sister, and we would travel throughout Italy! It has always been a dream of mine to visit Italy, and I would love to do so with my three most favorite people in the world.

8. If you could share one important message with every tween and teen, what would it be?

If I could give every tween and teen one piece of advice, it would be to be themselves! Be yourself and do things to please yourself, not others.